Tuesday, August 3, 2010

late addition 29 july 2010

I am late with this addition,but like I said I am getting there. Ihope in future to be on time with all my additions. Our lecture was about WEB 2.0. for teachers and librarians.I like the idea that the web accomodate all the users to add knowledge and to have access to it. There are different websites one can use and also introduce it to the children and to our staff. I will try to check each one out by myself so that I can have a better idea as to what is the best tool to use for a certain subject. The tag cloud had me puzzled in the beginning It looked like a child created it. The biggest words on the cloud are mostly used by the users. I still need to get use to the technologies used in WEB 2.0.


  1. I also need to get used to the technologies - my only enemy is the lack of time, but I find using time management a great help. Stick at it!

  2. time management is our biggest headaches.
